The WCM-IRB spans across 3 committees that review different areas of research and submission types:
The WCM-IRB is registered with the Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) under federal wide assurance number FWA00000093 (expiration date: October 1, 2026).
The WCM Statement of IRB Compliance includes FWA and IRB registration numbers for the WCM IRBs.
The IRBs meets on a regular basis throughout the year, usually twice per month. The schedule for IRB meetings and submission deadlines is available as a downloadable pdf document, and is also posted in the IRB’s electronic system, WRG-HS. Special meetings may be called as needed by the IRB Chair or Executive Director of Human Research and Compliance. Please note: The schedule for each IRB may vary due to holidays, lack of quorum, or other reasons.
The deadline for a complete submission* is 3 weeks prior to the applicable board's meeting date.
*A complete submission is one that has been vetted by our analysts and deemed ready to be assigned to an IRB member for review.
The Weill Cornell Medicine Office of Research Integrity (WCM ORI) does not publish or allow public access to IRB rosters or specific membership information. Please use this letter from our Executive Director for any institution asking for this information.
In accordance with WCM standards, no member of the IRB may participate in the review or vote of any human research study in which the IRB member is also a member of the research team, has a conflict of interest (financial or non-financial), or has any other interest which may have an impact on the member's ability to exercise independent judgment.
Information about member attendance during the review of specific studies can be obtained, upon request and approval by the IRB office. Request can be submitted by email.